Mykal Kumasi Jones

Freelance Web Design Architect

I knew you would come to this page at some point, so here's the first thing you should know about me. Am a Indie music artist, singer, song/writer, and producer. Apart from composing and playing music, I am also an advocate for web standards and a freelance custom web designer in Newport, RI.

My Interest in web design gradually evolved after learning basic HTML from several tutorials I found on a website called Html Goodies, authored by professor Joe Burns. With basic Html tables, I designed, built, and published my first website in 2003, and since then, I've created several sites for myself and a few clients.

Web Standards Advocate

Following the HTML tutorials, I acquired some new skills, learned a few tricks, and gained a lot of experience working with Html tables before Cascading Styles Sheet. The transition to XHTML 1.0 was challenging even though it's the most lenient of the specs. I eventually got accustomed to it and abandoned Html tables and began focusing on web content presentation using semantic XHTML syntax.

XHTML 1.0 Strict changed my thinking, habits, and general approach to web design with its uncompromising demand for adherence to the protocols. It became the markup discipline that defined my coding style once I figured out how to use it correctly. As I ventured deeper and deeper into web design/development, I acquired new skills, discovered the W3C, Shtml, XML, and Dhtml, and have become an advocate for standards compliance on the web.

The new Html5 and advanced Css specifications came like the final test before earning my credentials as a webmaster. The experience I gained writing different variants of Html documents made it easy to learn and use Html5 correctly in clever and innovative ways that define my work unequivocally.