Promoting Web Standards

Why build a website that conforms to W3c web standards? That's a good question! Many web developers say you don't have to do it and it's a waste of time, but others will tell you that there are many reasons why you should embrace standards and encourage you to do so!

Let's face it. Almost everything we use in our daily lives is build in compliance with established rules and guidelines designed to ensure quality, usability, and safety, so if you're concerned about those things, that's why standards are necessary and should be mandatory on the web.

For example, In the building and construction industry, all blueprints must be inspected and approved before you can proceed with the construction. The Irony is there's no one checking web designers' and developers' work on the web for standards compliance. Standards compliance provides consistency, safety, and quality assurance to consumers.

The web is an essential global industry, so standards are necessary for interoperability, conformity, and consistency across the board. However, If the W3C is responsible for creating web standards and remains reluctant or powerless to enforce them, old habits won't change.

Some in the industry argue that web standards should be guided by what people are doing online, but I am not quite sure what people are doing online that justifies those sentiments. Why should folks who do not play by any rules make them?